News & Library

Keep up with the latest news about Firefly Children and Family Alliance, from recent announcements to new programs and services

Kris’ Corner – Compassion Fatigue

I have often referenced something called “compassion fatigue”; you may have heard of it by another name, “blocked care.” Now, I’m not sure how I’ve missed this information for many years, but I’ll admit that I have…which is why I’m writing about it here so that...

Kris’ Corner- Continuing Education for Foster Parents

Today, I want to talk about ongoing trainings/continuing education for foster parents because it is required for foster parents. You can’t keep your foster license if you aren’t continually learning new things about how to care for children in your care.  To back up a...

Kris’ Corner- Family Connecting Activities

Today I want to give you a few methods for improving connection and attachment within your family. There are lots of them out there and this is just a sprinkling. And…to be perfectly honest…these are great to use with almost anyone, not just kids from hard places, so...

Kris’ Corner-ACE Quiz

The thing I would like to share with you today is something called The ACE Quiz. “ACE” stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences and an ACE score is a tally of different types of abuse, neglect, and other characteristics of a potentially difficult childhood. According...

Kris’ Corner- Working through Death and a Funeral

So, let’s talk for a minute about kids from hard places dealing with death. Clearly, any child in foster care has experienced loss…simply by virtue of the fact that he is no longer with his biological family. The removal, in and of itself, is a loss and it is...