News & Library
Keep up with the latest news about Firefly Children and Family Alliance, from recent announcements to new programs and services
Kris’ Corner: The Importance of Self-care
I want to talk to you this week about self-care. And no eye-rolling because I’m certain many of you think you don’t need it. But trust me: you do (or you will)…I know about that of which I speak. Self-care was not something I ever really held in high regard or thought...
Kris’ Corner – Unanticipated Guests
So what exactly do I mean by unanticipated guests? I mean, we all probably expect a child to probably arrive with little to no possessions. Maybe they need a shower or bath. But there are actually a number of things a child may arrive with which are unanticipated (or...
Kris’ Corner – Book Recommendations for Foster Parents
I know that I can sometimes throw a lot at you in my posts, but don’t necessarily go deep into any topic…because it’s a blog, right? And most definitely, you want to have some depth in an area which I don’t have margin to provide. But there is good news! Lots of...
Kris’ Corner – Foster Care Supports: Care Closets
The last foster care support system I want to address is foster care resource closets. To be clear, these are places which help provide necessities for foster parents, above and beyond what DCS will help cover. You may be asking yourself, “so why are these even...
Kris’ Corner-Dealing w/false allegations
So, many of you have probably heard that false allegations are sometimes made against foster parents. It may be a reason you’ve not yet thrown your hat into the ring. The fear of having “a 310 called on you” is terrifying and can be a thought in the back of your mind...
Kris’ Corner: Care Communities
So, the next topic I’d like to tackle under foster care supports is something called care communities. Groups like this might exist in other places under different names, but I know them best as care communities and here’s what they are. Care communities are operated...
“Springing forward” in anticipation for those long summer nights might sound exciting, but setting the clocks ahead for Daylight Savings Time and losing an hour of sleep can make anyone cranky, especially children. Suddenly implementing an earlier bedtime may make it much harder to fall asleep, which can leave a person feeling tired and groggy the next morning or even several days to follow.
According to a study from the Better Sleep Council, 29% of all parents reported they disliked this spring time change. If you were already sleep deprived and feeling drained, and now the kids are exhausted and increasingly uncooperative; nobody wins. Prepping yourself and your kiddos for this inevitable change is the best way to curb those negative effects. These four tips can help everyone in the house make a smooth transition:
Kris’ Corner: Online Support Groups
So, last time I discussed support through in-person groups; and as promised, I’d like to now talk about online support groups. These are the groups that are only ever online. They typically have moderators who can approve posts, and/or remove posts which do not fit...
Kris’ Corner: In Person Support Groups
To continue our series on supports while fostering, I’d like to take some time today and talk about in-person support groups. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, they are often virtual. But they still differ from online support groups in that you actually can see and...
Kris’ Corner: Natural Supports for Foster Parents
Let’s talk about some natural supports for foster parents. Sometimes people ask me, how do you survive at this foster parenting thing…how do you even do it?” And the answer is lots of support. Support while fostering can, and should, come from several different...