Now…I will freely admit that my family is probably not a great example of having a bunch of weekend rituals, with the exception of going to church on Sunday morning. Saturday morning might be an opportunity for us to catch up on some chores around the house. As you...
Summertime rituals… Now this might be a little bit trickier, and open to a lot more interpretation, especially if you have a newer placement. But if you are attuned to what your child enjoys, and you try, to the best of your ability of course, to tap into that over...
As you probably know by now, most children (there’s always an exception of course) in care have visits with biological family. But one thing that is often not discussed is the reentry into the foster home after a child has a visitation. Now…you won’t know (often until...
I just wanted to take a minute and share a thought: kids in foster care might like to take their lunch to school. A fellow adoptive and foster mom friend mentioned this recently and quite honestly, such a thing had never occurred to me…possibly because I mostly...
So let’s talk a bit about blocked trust and blocked care (which is also called compassion fatigue). Anyone out there ever heard of this? Do not worry if you have not…even if you’ve been in this foster care world for a while. I’ve been in the arena for over 10 years...