Providing independent living skills and support to young adults as they enter adulthood

Support and resources for young adults after foster care
The experience of aging out of the foster system is a challenging one. Although many young adults are eager to exit the foster system and enter adulthood, they lack the safety net family and other support systems typically provide. Our older youth services program is designed to bridge this gap. Our case managers work to help these young adults develop the independent living skills they need to reach their potential. Eligibility for our older youth services is defined by the Indiana Department of Child Services.
By intervening early in adulthood, the aim of the program is to teach these individuals what they need to know to thrive. The program is entirely voluntary, and case managers empower these young adults to choose their own paths.
Adolescence and the years that follow are a period of major brain development. It’s during this time that teens and young adults learn independent living skills and other coping skills that define their potential.

Placement and Supervision Program
Independent Living for Teens and Young Adults