News & Library

Keep up with the latest news about Firefly Children and Family Alliance, from recent announcements to new programs and services

Kris’ Corner – Schooling Choices for Trauma

So if you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you probably know that I homeschool. Obviously, I understand you cannot homeschool a foster placement (except possibly in some very special exceptions), but want to just put this out there especially if you are moving...

Kris’ Corner – Foster Friendly app

So let’s take a few minutes and talk about the Foster Friendly App. Many of you might be aware of it but some of you might not. And I am embarrassed to admit that I just recently found out about it…but I am so excited to share this with you! Most of us are probably...

Kris’ Corner – Being All In on Your Child

Now you might be wondering about me, since my last post was about getting therapy for yourself…but I still believe, regardless of our need for help as parents, we can still be all in on our kids. To be the mom or dad who is all in on their kid… I never realized that’s...

Kris’ Corner – Therapy for Yourself

This post kind of dove-tails into the previous one in which I talked about our grief and loss journey. And I personally don’t think this is something talked about often enough in the foster world…and that is the idea of foster (and adoptive) parents seeking therapy...

Kris’ Corner – The first few hours of placement

When a child comes into a foster home, whether it’s their first removal or not, each foster home is going to be different…from each other and from the home of origin…so they’re going to need a minute to adjust to this “new life”. I don’t just mean the obvious things,...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: DV does NOT discriminate

October was first declared as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1989. Since then, October has been a time to acknowledge and be a voice for survivors.  Domestic Violence does NOT discriminate. It affects... 1/4 women  1/7 men  43.8% of lesbian women and...

Kris’ Corner – When Siblings Move Out

So now I want to piggyback on my last post about older siblings going to college…but now I want to talk about those older kiddos moving out completely. Obviously, this may happen right after high school, thereby skipping the transition to college piece. Or it may be...