News & Library

Keep up with the latest news about Firefly Children and Family Alliance, from recent announcements to new programs and services

Kris’ Corner-Vacations with Your Foster Child

In honor of National Foster Care Month and a year when vacations can actually happen, I thought revisiting “Vacations with Your Foster Child” was appropriate. One thing I want to clarify before I launch in: when you have a kiddo from foster care, they will have...

Kris’ Corner- What Happens to Gifts?

Some of you may be wondering what happens to all the things the child you are fostering accumulates? Now, some of this might be obvious. But, just in case there’s any doubt. I’d like to briefly touch on it. As I mentioned previously, when a child enters the foster...

Kris’ Corner- Post Visitation Rituals

As you probably know by now, most children (there’s always an exception of course) in care have visits with biological family. But one thing that is often not discussed is the reentry into the foster home after a child has a visitation. Now…you won’t know (often until...

Kris’ Corner: The Importance of Self-care

I want to talk to you this week about self-care. And no eye-rolling because I’m certain many of you think you don’t need it. But trust me: you do (or you will)…I know about that of which I speak. Self-care was not something I ever really held in high regard or thought...

Kris’ Corner – Unanticipated Guests

So what exactly do I mean by unanticipated guests? I mean, we all probably expect a child to probably arrive with little to no possessions. Maybe they need a shower or bath. But there are actually a number of things a child may arrive with which are unanticipated (or...