Kris’ Corner – After School Rituals

Moving along in our work through rituals in our homes, we come next to After School Rituals. Now, I know this will differ for many of you from case to case. Some foster parents work outside the home full-time, some work part-time and some stay at home full-time (BTW I...

Kris’ Corner – Morning Rituals

So as you may (or may not) recall, a couple weeks ago, I posted about encouragement rituals. And after that, I got to thinking about all the different rituals that we use in our home each day. And how it’s highly likely that many of you do the same kinds of things...

Kris’ Corner – Encouragement Rituals

I know you know this, but I am going to say it again: of course kids need encouragement, but as you probably know, kids with trauma might need a little bit more. And the holidays probably brought that to the forefront, don’t they? That said, I just want to take a...

Kris’ Corner – Encouragement to End the Year

Now some of you reading this might not be fostering yet, so this may not apply thus far, but my hope is that there is still something for you to glean through my encouragement of those who’ve previously tossed their hats in the ring. So my family has been on this road...