Every year hundreds of thousands of teens age out of the foster care system. So how and why does this happen? To be honest, there’s not a clear, concise or easy answer for why so many children age out of care, but here are just a few. Sometimes the cases begin when a...
One question I sometimes get is: “How do kids come into care?” In other words, “How does Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) know when to check in on a family?” Well, there are different ways, such as when police are called to a home (which may be about drugs,...
I’d like to take the next few weeks to discuss some of the facts of foster care about which you might not be aware. Today, I’ll start with the number one reason kids come into care: neglect. Neglect of a child occurs when their basic needs are not adequately met, and...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Brian Heinemann Department of Child Services Cell: 317-473-2416 Email: brian.heinemann@dcs.in.gov Central Canal turns blue for Child Abuse Prevention Month INDIANAPOLIS (April 12, 2022) – Peggy Surbey, Regional Manager of Marion...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Brian Heinemann Department of Child Services Cell: 317-473-2416 Email: brian.heinemann@dcs.in.gov MARION COUNTY (APRIL 5, 2022) – The Indiana Department of Child Services, in partnership with Children’s Bureau + Families First,...
In my last post, I encouraged foster parents to be understanding and patient as a child adapts to their new environment; because they will be exposed to a variety of new experiences. But today, I want to talk about another (albeit less common) phenomenon in terms of...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT Annie Martinez 317-625-6005 AMartinez@childrensbureau.org AES Indiana Building on the Circle to Feature Blue Lights for Child Abuse Prevention Month INDIANAPOLIS, IN (March 31, 2022) – The AES Indiana building on Monument Circle...
Today, I would like to talk a little bit about kids coming into care and having new experiences. This will be the case for EVERY.SINGLE.FOSTER.CHILD. No child will come into care and arrive at a foster home that is identical to their biological family’s home. So there...
I know I’ve touched on the subject of the relationship with biological parents previously, but I just feel that it’s so important that I want to discuss it again. I read a quote recently and it really hit home. The basic gist of it is this: “Being a foster parent...
Often when we think of grief in terms of foster care, we think of the foster parents…and maybe that’s because of the position we’re in within this triad (foster parents – foster children – biological parents). And while we should not at all diminish the...