Examining the relationship between mental and physical health

Raising awareness about mental well-being
Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being, and mental illnesses are common and treatable. So much of what we do physically impacts us mentally — it’s important to pay attention to both your physical health and your mental health, which can help you achieve overall wellness and set you on a path to recovery. Firefly Children and Family Alliance is committed to examining the inextricable link between mental and physical well-being. As part of our focus on mental health, we invite you to explore the topics of animal companionship, spirituality and religion, humor, work-life balance, and recreation and social connections as ways to boost mental health and general wellness.
Animal Companionship
The company of animals — whether as pets or service animals — can have a profound impact on a person’s quality of life and ability to recover from illnesses. A pet can be a source of comfort and can help us to live mentally healthier lives.
Finding humor in the circumstances of life can lift moods with laughter and help people to better deal with and overcome difficult experiences.
Social Connection and Recreation
Finding other people to relate to and doing things that bring you enjoyment are great ways to improve your mood and overall mental health.
Work-Life Balance
Work allows you to provide for yourself and your family while also serving a purpose in the community, but when it takes over your life, it can negatively affect your health.
Spirituality and Religion
Regardless of whether you rely on meditation, yoga or religion, caring for your soul is an important part of taking care of yourself that can improve physical and mental health along the way. It is important to connect with your spiritual side in order to find that mind-body connection.
Additional Mental Health Resources
A healthy lifestyle can help prevent the onset or worsening of mental health conditions, as well as chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and obesity. It can also help people recover from these conditions. For those dealing with a chronic health condition and the people who care for them, it can be especially important to focus on mental health. When dealing with dueling diagnoses, focusing on both physical and mental health concerns can be daunting but critically important in achieving overall wellness.