Kris’ Corner – Foster Friendly app

December 20, 2023

So let’s take a few minutes and talk about the Foster Friendly App.

Many of you might be aware of it but some of you might not. And I am embarrassed to admit that I just recently found out about it…but I am so excited to share this with you!

Most of us are probably looking for ways to stretch the budget where we can (the per diem helps but sometimes having additional kids requires a big change to the family budget), and/or find ways to connect with other foster parents or people who want to support us.

Well, I am so happy to report that the Foster Friendly App by America’s Kids Belong does just that and more. It is an amazing FREE app that helps foster parents connect with resources and services that are foster friendly. What’s not to love?!?

Now I know I’ve talked about the Access Pass in the past and all the discounts it offers, and this app does a terrific job of being on top of the that and reminding you about the $2 tickets you can get with your Access Pass.

But in addition, it gives you a variety of other things: a discount at a restaurant, help in finding a local support group or possibly even a photographer who takes portraits of kids in care for FREE.

So you might be wondering what sorts of things it can help with…so here are the categories in no particular order:

  • Discounts
  • Community Support
  • Faith Communities
  • Events

Now if you’re looking specifically for online or in person event, activities or groups, they can both be found through this app…it’s not all one or another.

And to make sure you keep track of all your finds, you can save your favorite listings on the app to easily find them again later.

And bonus: when you travel, all you have to do is pull up the app and it should be able gain access to information on local discounts and resources available to foster parents in other states; my understanding is that you have to go into your profile and enter the zip code of your vacation destination, but it is easy to change…and then change back again once you return home.

I’m certain I sound like a commercial but I assure you that I received no money or gifts or anything for this shameless plug…I’m just a girl who loves a great resource (and this one is free, which makes it even better!) and a girl who loves to SHARE those resources.

So I hope this one is helpful to each one of you…you can find the app on the app store of your favorite cell phone or tablet.




Get the Foster Friendly app for iPhone

Get the Foster Friendly app for Android