Kris’ Corner – Grief in Foster Care

So there are lots of reasons that foster parents might grieve (I know this might not be selling it if you are on the fence about being a foster parent). But first and foremost, a foster family might grieve when a child they think is going to stay forever ends up being...

Kris’ Corner – Ways that Schools Can Help Kids in Care

Today’s post piggybacks on the last, as it talks about ways the school can help kids in care (or at least strive to help!). First of all, just being aware of the potential triggers we discussed last time and aiming to avoid them if at all possible would be a huge step...

Kris’ Corner – ACE and PACE

Today I’m going to revisit the topic of The ACE Quiz, which I covered a couple years ago, as well as add additional material (PACEs) which I have since learned about. First we will start with the ACE Quiz. “ACE” stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences and an ACE...

Kris’ Corner – What is CCDF?

Today’s topic is the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF), which might be something you already know about and if that’s the case, just keep on moving…no need to stop and read. However, I know that there are many foster parents who are not aware of CCDF and how it can...

Kris’ Corner – What is Mixed Maturity?

My previous post discussed dysmaturity. Just to catch you up in case you missed it, dysmaturity is when a child is one chronological age, but an entirely separate (younger) maturity age; often, but not always, it is estimated that a child struggling with dysmaturity...

Kris’ Corner – Making Friends as a Foster Parent

In my last post, I talked about finding friends from the point of view of a child in foster care. So let’s talk about finding friends when we are foster parents. Why would this need to be a thing? Can’t the people who have been our friends continue to be our friends?...