Often when a child first enters the foster system, the full picture is not known regarding what he/she experienced with their biological family…let alone what behavior they might exhibit as a result of their previous care. DCS and Children’s Bureau will give you as...
Today, I want to talk about ongoing trainings/continuing education for foster parents because it is required for foster parents. You can’t keep your foster license if you aren’t continually learning new things about how to care for children in your care. To back up a...
As with all areas of life, there are things which are appropriate to say and things which are inappropriate to say…and this absolutely applies when talking to foster parents. Now…I am definitely willing to grace people out because I know that many of these things are...
Today I want to give you a few methods for improving connection and attachment within your family. There are lots of them out there and this is just a sprinkling. And…to be perfectly honest…these are great to use with almost anyone, not just kids from hard places, so...
As I have mentioned previously, as a foster parent licensed through Children’s Bureau, for each case you will have a DCS family case manager (FCM) and a case manager from Children’s Bureau. So why the overlap? Or is it overlap? There is a bit of overlap but the...